Corporate Wellness
Employee Wellness = Success
- Decrease Absenteeism
- Reduce Insurance Cost
- Boost Productivity
- Recruit & Retain Personnel
- Increase Bottom Line
WellFit costs NOTHING for your company and your employees receive discounted dues!
Our Corporate Partners
Alexandria City Employees
Alexandria Community Schools
Anderson City Employees
Anderson Community Schools
Carters Express (Duke Truck/Help Logistics)
Dept. of Corrections (DOC) Pendleton
First Merchants Bank
Frankton-Lapel School System
Hoosier Park
Indiana Mentor
Key Bank
Kleenco Construction
Liberty Christian School
Madison County employees
Madison County Sheriff
Military (active or veteran)
Police, Fire, EMT (any location)
Riley & Sons
St. Johns & St. Vincent Hospital
Tom Wood Honda
Unified Group Services
WellFit Corporate Wellness Application